Innovative Studies of Social Sciences

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My 4 year old article:
The term Social science itself indicates ‘the scientific study of human society and social relationships’, consisting of different subtopics such as economics, geography, political science, history, etc. These subjects not only serve as the tools people need to face life in a more global way, but they also sharpen the mind and expand points of view. Creativity and practicality can be related to a country’s strength. For example America is a Country of Innovation. This innovativeness is tied to the fact that public schools in America provide with opportunity to be creative with activities like Creative geography etc. (which enables children to identify the geographic mapping of their own locality or their city). And maybe that’s why in this present day America stands atop as a developed country.
Experimentation, free expression of one’s self, creativity and innovation are highly important in today’s world. It’s not that by learning geography, history and studying political science, students under develop their impulses. I think that these impulses develop in life by themselves and that knowledge, even that boring, awful memorizing of cities, events, dates, names of rivers, helps expand one’s horizons and enlarge one’s perspectives.
If students know history, if they memorize names, places and facts, they give themselves material with which thinking, criticizing, evaluating and drawing conclusions about social and economic conditions becomes adept in them.                                                                                                                                    And another remarkable necessity of teaching future citizens the essence of political sciences is to provide them with enough knowledge of what is happening in the world around them. Children or the youth must be motivated through right conduct. Good schools educate the youth correctly and instill values, just as the way our Vidyalayam does! A good school is the one that teaches the student to ‘be good to your fellow men’. Youth is restless, but ultimately that restlessness can be channeled into progress.                                                                                                                            

Hereby, Children too as social creatures must be good at encouraging and involving themselves in knowing more and more about their country and its happenings (social sciences) more effectively by availing help from their teachers, parents, or any other source of information and lead to a bright future of India!!
- School Days